Sergio's sister and her family have just moved here from Mexico and on one morning of the Welcome to KC weekend, we fixed crepes (a French food) using a Bosnian recipe and made with ingredients from Kansas and Missouri and served in a tortillero (tortilla holder) from Oklahoma.
I'm not sure what makes the recipe Bosnian except that it comes from our friend Mirna, who's from Bosnia and who got it from her mom - and we file it under the Ps for the Bosnian word for crepes. And the ingredients we used weren't completely local - but some of them were - most of what went into the crepe itself was local.
Crepes are purportedly quite easy to make, unless you're me and need firm quantities of ingredients. Sergio is fortunate enough, as is our friend Mirna, to not need such specificity, therefore he makes the crepes. I arrange everything else: jams, jellies, muesli or granola, yogurt, honey, peanut butter, Nutella, bananas, strawberries, cheese. I know that Nutella and bananas will never be local, but these flavors in a crepe are an experience for which I gladly disregard my food's provenance.
Many other combinations were much more local, including Walloon cheese and tomato jam, strawberries with a touch of yogurt and honey, and the granola is really good on the crepes, too. (If I were a locavore worth my salt I'd be making my own granola but I'll look into that another day.) In the meantime, "bon appetit" and "provecho" and "yum."
tomato jam and Walloon cheese

tomato jam and strawberry rhubarb jam
strawberries from Fair Share Farm - last summer I weeded this patch these came from
(here's what we happened to have on hand)
strawberry rhubard jam* from Golden Ridge Farms
tomato jam* from my cabinet
Walloon cheese* from Goatsbeard Farm
honey* from Ambrose Bees
strawberries* from Fair Share Farm
plain yogurt
peanut butter
Palacinke (Crepes)
mix together...
2 eggs* (jaja izmuckas)
4 Tbsp sugar (velike kasike secera)
pinch of salt (malo soli)
1 Tbsp oil (ulje I kasike)
1 cup flour* - (dodaj brasna)
1 cup milk* - (dodaj mlijeka)
* local
Start with 1 cup each of flour and milk but you may need to add more of either or both, depending on what kind of flour you use - these will work with whole wheat flour you just need to adjust the consistency. The desired consistency is something runnier than pancake batter. But not too runny. Thick, but not too thick.
Spray a skillet with oil and turn the heat on to medium. Pour a ladle full of batter into the skillet. You know it's time to flip the crepe when it firms up a little and slides around a bit. Flip over to the other side and then it'll be done. Soonish. Use your instincts and adjust batter accordingly.
Makes: a varying number of crepes, which translates to a varying number of servings. 4 people and a toddler consumed this entire batch on the above day in question. Best of luck with these nebulous tips.
appropriate consistency
a perfect flip
crepe folded
1 comment:
oh, they've arrived?! great!
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