24 July 2010

A Month of Fun

July whizzed by at an unprecedented rate, sped up, I think, by a whole string of parties and celebrations. Sergio's cousin's daughter's quinceañera was the start of it all, bringing family from all over to celebrate.

a top Liberty Memorial: Sergio, Christy, Emilio, cousin Ana from CA, cousin Ceci from TX, and Joyce from the DF

In between and after the quince activities we found time to see the sites, taste the ice cream, enjoy the Fourth of July, and watch a bit of futbol on the iPhone 4.

at Glacé, rooting for Ghana

Christy's birthday came next, on July 10, and since this was a big milestone birthday, we had a huge party on the back patio, complete with Chef Armando at the grill, cooking enough great food for a small army.

the birthday girl and the chef

great gifts galore

By then, Sergio's aunt and grandmother from Nashville had arrived, as had his uncle from Peoria and the other cousin from Texas and his wife. Oh, and my mom and dad came, too. No one wanted to miss the big celebrations - first Christy's birthday and then a fantastic baby shower for us, hosted by Christy and Joyce.


pool party

This baby shower was a pool party, up on the fourteenth floor of our apartment building, with lots of great games, swimming, and lovely views out the big windows - not to mention all the friends and family, too.


OH! And one last thing I don't have pictures of ... our informal photo shoot. Lindsey and Beto who were in town (for a second time this summer!) for Christy's birthday and our shower, are photographers and they were generous enough to spend some time photographing me, Sergio, and the bump. All of those stellar photos can be found here. Check them out and see just how happy we were/are.

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