I was worried that the arrowhead vine wasn't doing the same. Until I finally noticed it was doing this ...
and when we got back from Florida it was well on its way.
The airplane plant is well on its way, too, looking for new depths and reaching for new heights.

I think I am going to need more identical pots precisely distanced on my window sill. And I might need some more window sill, too.
enjoyed this photo essay.
I'm impressed! Your plants have fared so well. Will you be expanding your greenhouse in the spring?
Thanks, Mom!
Yes, Deena - I think the plants are insisting that I expand my greenhouse, which I am more than happy to do. I am so pleased with how well these are doing. Maybe I don't have a black thumb after all!
Glad to see your plants are doing well! Looks like you have some "baby" airplane plants to start rooting soon. Has your kalanchoe ever flowered?
No flowers on the kalancho yet. I hope it does flower - do I need to do anything special? I think it needs a bigger pot - it's getting top heavy - those stems are so thick. I'm also going to replant the mama airplane plant into a bigger pot, as well as getting those babies started to root.
Hooray for houseplants!
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